Company Policies

Our Company Policies

Company Policy

PRAQU SUTARIA aim to satisfy their customers by offering the very best in terms of price, quality and reliable delivery. Our key competence lies in the economical production of precision parts and assemblies in large and medium batch sizes. The materials we process are non-ferrous metals, steel alloys, and aluminium alloys. Due to our technical and logistical development skills, we can offer our customers added benefits. Our priorities are high-quality standards and environmental protection, excellent customer satisfaction, the continuous improvement of all processes and procedures and promoting teamwork and training with safety.

Quality Policy

PRAQU SUTARIA’s quality policy provides for satisfying the customer's fundamental requirements, in terms of price, quality, delivery times and flexibility, through a system that guarantees a profitable optimization of production processes, adequate control management and a careful selection of suppliers. The ultimate goal is towards customer loyalty and the development of a close partnership, such as to support the company's economic growth with an equal increase in skills and professionalism. The quality management system must guarantee the achievement of company objectives through constant updating aimed at continuous improvement.

Environment Policy

PRAQU SUTARIA is committed to continuously reducing and improving our ecological footprint. We use natural resources rationally and sustainably, controlling the impact of the materials used in compliance with environmental legislation. PRAQU SUTARIA considers environmental matters to be of critical importance. They are a primary factor in our drive for world-class standards and sustainable development through continuous improvement in our activities.

Health And Safety Policy

PRAQU SUTARIA is committed to promoting the health and safety and well-being of all employees. This includes continuously improving working conditions throughout our facilities and during remote work to prevent work-related injury, ill health, and other risks including psychological, stress, and mental health. Our commitment extends to the safety of our products and to those who interact with them. The policy is applicable to employees, agents, contractors, and other key business partners. PRAQU SUTARIA encourages worker consultation and participation in the development of occupational health and safety controls and risk management programs. Employees are expected to have ownership of their safety, without which no safety action can be effective and sustainable. All are expected to comply with this policy and encourage a culture of safety within the company.